Czech Republic Commercial Banking Report

Czech Republic Commercial Banking Report
Czech Republic Commercial Banking Report
The Report has just been researched at source, and features latest-available data covering production, sales, imports and exports;
Product Description
The Report has just been researched at source, and features latest-available data covering production, sales, imports and exports; 5-year industry forecasts through end-2014; company ranking and competitive landscapes for multinational and local manufacturers and suppliers; and analysis of latest industry developments, trends and regulatory changes.
Key Benefits of Report
* Rely On Our Independent 5-Year Forecasts As A Benchmark to test other views – a key input for successful budgetary and strategic business planning.
* Target Business Opportunities & Risks through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments.
* Exploit Latest Competitive Intelligence & Company SWOTS on your peers and competitors through company rankings by sales, market share, investments and leading products and services.
Czech Republic Commercial Banking Report includes:
Executive Summary & Swot Analysis
Summary of BMIs key industry forecasts and trend analysis, and commentary on key company and industry headline events. Collection of SWOT studies on local commercial banking market, economy and business environment.
Regional Overview
Cross-border analysis on the structure, size and value of the commercial banking sector, including comparative historical data and forecasts on the regions assets, loans and deposits, as well as bond portfolios.
Market Overview
Outlook of local market, commenting on its structure, size and value.
BMI 5-Year Industry Forecast
Annual average growth forecasts for assets, loans and deposits.
BMI 5-Year Macroeconomic Forecast
BMI forecasts for all headline macroeconomic indicators, including real GDP growth, inflation, fiscal balance, trade balance, current account and external debt.

Competitive Landscape
Comparative company analyses and rankings by production, sales, % market share, employees, registration date and ownership structure.
Company Profiles & SWOTS
Company profiles, including SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)analyses, fully researched senior executives and full contact details, business activity, leading products and services.
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Banking Technology, Commercial Banking, Czech Republic, Demand Forecast, Finance, Finance Regulation, Financial Services, Market, Market Forecast, Market Growth, Market Leaders, Market Report, Market Share, Market Size, Report, Research, Retail Banking