Question by : If you were to open a business in Czech Republic, What would it be?
My group and I are compiling tons of data about the Czech republic for an international marketing class, We are required to market a product or service in a foreign country, Czech Republic being a developing market economy must surely have an unknown demand for something, but my group can’t seem to find what might be successful.
We’ve thought about a Hotel chain and fast-food options, but those have already been explored.
Any suggestions? Any Czechs have an opinion? It wouldn’t be cheating because we would still need to develop a comprehensive marketing plan behind whatever product or service we chose.
Anyways, thanks in advance for those to reply.
Best answer:
Answer by Brian S
Probaly a pub or something, because Czech Republic has the most drunks in the world! That would be the most successful buisness!
But if I had to do something I like, I would open up a Mountain Adventure company!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!