read this Czech hand-written message and address?

Question by Die_for_a_mug_of_beer_: read this Czech hand-written message and address?
hi, would you please translate the message for me ? It’s Czech language and I cannot use any translator because the I do not guess the right spelling.

I would also highly appreciate your help with the address, I did a bit alone but there must be something wrong :
Paolina Folkerlova
u pi; Boz. Bartonova

Železný Brod
Hotel Folkerl
Hlavni Ulice

here is the file

Best answer:

Answer by Trawler
[Happy Easter] s mnoho zdravím a nadějí v lepší dny po přestálé smutné zimě vám všem přeji upřímně. Snad jste všichni jakž takž zdrávi a uvítáte zase vespolek milé sluníčko a jaro a spokojenosti. Jen kdyby už svítilo trvaleji my obě s Bertou už také na ně čekáme. Jsme obě pořád na lékách teď právě trpí Berta neuralgickými bolestmi a běhá jí to po těle tak mám málo radosti. Od prvního března jsem už v penzi za 40 let my vyplatili 1600 měsíčně. Sama nemohu s Bertou ??? tak pro 3 osoby na jídlo a na vše ostatní je dost málo. S těmi srážkami mám o 600 Kč měsíčně míň než ve službě. To už se cítí. Líbá vás všechny Mína s Bertou

working on translation.

i wish to you all happy easter with plenty of health and hope for best days after the passing sad winter. Hopefully you all are more or less well/healthy and will welcome the company of nice sun
and spring and pleasant things in life. if only the sun was shining more steadily. me and Berta we both are waiting for it. We both are under medication. Berta is suffering from neuralgic pains travelling across her body so i have little joy left. Since first of March i am retired. they have payed me [pension of] 1600 cyech crowns per month for my previos 40 working years. i cannot -unreadable- with Berta – it’s barely enough [money] for three persons for food and other necesities. With the reductions [pending], i am 600 crowns short, compared to the days of service. That is significant [literally, that hurts] Kisses to you all from Mina [?] and Berta

Velectěná paní [deeply respected – germanism, “sehrgeehrte” Mrs.] Pavlína Folkertová
a paní [Mrs.] Božena Bartoňová
v Železném brodě, hotel Folkert Hlavní ulice
Yeleynz Brod, hotel Folkert, main street.

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