Former Czech Republic president Vaclav Havel dies

Politician, playwright and former Czech leader Vaclav Havel, a hero of the epic struggle that ended the Cold War, has died aged 75.

18 thoughts on “Former Czech Republic president Vaclav Havel dies

  1. matejpostolka

    Don’t listen to this asshole, he’s talking about stuff he knows nothing about. He’s a little communist prick that puts bullshit like this all over youtube just to get attention.

  2. ivoivo12

    Why did they use the pictures of tanks passing the streets of Czechoslovakia from 1968? the name of the revolution – the velvet revolution means it was a peaceful revolution with no serious incidents

  3. VolekVaclav

    “Pravda a láska musí zvítězit nad lží a nenávistí” – Václav Havel
    “Truth and love must win over lie and hate” – Václav Havel

  4. vecernicek2

    Don’t talk about things you know nothing about. You speak exactly the same bullshit as old articles in Rude Pravo (the worst communist newspaper) from 1988 – 1989. Furthermore, Dubcek was a very controversial figure, not a brave hero at all. He succumbed almost instantly to a pressure from the soviet authorities. Furthermore, he discredited himself by signing so called baton law in 1969, which was used to brutally fight against demonstrators in 69,88 and 89.

  5. VivaLaEurope

    Jive Vaclav Havel! Jive Česka Republika! Spačuvanni z Bielorusi da rodnih Vaclava i jiharam Česki republiki!

  6. TheGildana

    By the way in the archives of BATA in Zlin and Svit are photos of havel’s family members with the german occupants and fascisists! maybe vaclav wanted to cover this byhis declarations against communisme…. DUBCEK was a real true hero, Havel is an imposture!!!!

  7. TheGildana

    Why the french, US and EU journaliusts are not writing us the truth? Go and speak to people who were at the Tribune in Bratislava just before the split of Slovakia and Tcheque!! 60 000 Slovaks were waiting an important word from vaclav Havel, he was at the tribune and he was under alcohol. Go and investigate people who were there, he did not pronounce two three coherent phrases…….

  8. TheGildana

    Vaclav Havel is a big lie, as many of the past historical facts were big lies. As Irak and its atomic weapon. One must ask himself why the three most celebrated people in the East were, Gorbacev, Jelcin and Havel? Two of them alcoholics and weak men, one of them having a wife spending thousands for jewellery and luxury things. Ideal poeple for helping USA to get down “communisme”. Because in 89 communisme was more democratic as capitalisme with elections in ALL OFFICES AND PLANTS!!!

  9. TheGildana

    After the meeting of the actress the german authorities and Havel family the Havel family got 8 millions of crowns. Vaclav havel logically hated communists as they took a big part of their property ! The first thing in 89 after a stay in the USA where he was briefed, was the fight for Vaclav havel’s properties, and he got it back. Vaclav havel was one of the richest Prague people again! Wgy nobody speaks about his weakness for alcool? He is a dramaturge, whereby he wrote two theater pieces!!!

  10. TheGildana

    For all the people who are under the lies of the MEDIA and of the POLITICIANS. The family HAVEL was before the war II one of the most rich families in Prague, owNers of BARRANDOV FILM STUDIOS, of Lucerna building, his grand father Mr. Hugo Vavrecka was a big director for Bata until 1945. During the war II the Germans wanted to take Czech properties and proposed to Havel’s 300 000 crowns for the Barrandov Studios.The famous czerch actriss BAAROVA, who slept with high german organbized a meeting

  11. fullfist

    I send my respect and condolences. From Croatia


    He was a fine man, a man of integrity, a patriot, a Christian nationalist.

    . We have a saying over here; “For Christ and homeland, against the communist we stand”, Havel helped, thank God, you didn’t have to shed blood.


    Rest in Peace

  12. jarlRiess

    Because V. Havel supported G. Bush’s foreign policy and even asked him for attack on Hussein’s Iraq in 2003. Moreover, Havel obtained the Freedom Medal from Bush, so he certainly didn’t see standing with “that scumbag” as degradation…

  13. scottonmtn

    Thank you, Vaclav, thank you for giving us a hero who is humble, brilliant, joyous, a lover of justice and jazz, someone who is willing to lead and willing go home and write a gorgeous play. We will miss you deeply.

  14. Nouska

    RIP Václav Havel. A great statesman and, above all, a GREAT person. He is irreplaceable and will be missed.

  15. veduuci

    Well, russian and czech languages are relatives, but i bet you can’t speak czech properly 🙂 like your bellowed bolshevik fuhrer Lahev (no, it is not typo:).

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