Why some Western people behave like this?

Question by Aurora : Why some Western people behave like this I live in Prague and I’ve seen plenty of my people who live here or just visiting this country and to behave like some arrogant assholes: Jokes in people on the street, destroying the hotel rooms, throwing the street scenes of the Charles Bridge on the river, paying the Czech prostitutes to harassing them … And this is not only about hooligans. I’ve met plenty of “experienced” Western businessmen who think with their money, they have a right to the face of this city to change, to take off the ornaments and sculptures are the historically significant facades … What we must try to show: our power, democracy, civility, money and all the things we are so proud, or we’re just here with our true face, far from our laws and institutions? Why do we think that we do not feel gratitude for the country we came in, the people watching and tolerating us, for the people whose history and culture will always be older and richer than ours? Why we think we do not need to do something about the Eastern Europeans know? Kiki, I’m talking about OUR, American gratitude, what is missing here. We are so confident that we help, but we are forgetting the other side of the coin – that we get the chance to invest in those countries and make our own sales under the conditions that we can not imagine in the U.S. DATA . best answer:

reply thirsty spirit
westerner I want to apologize for the shock you had the misfortune to meet. May I assure you that we’re not all like these people

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6 thoughts on “Why some Western people behave like this?

  1. choyryu

    Abhi, Europeans actually are much better than us, especially the Swedes. Trust me, there is a reason why many non-American people believe that Jerry Springer is real reality TV.

  2. Kovács Levente

    Perhaps they just want a totally free holiday where they don’t need to put themselves under any rule, including politeness.

    Personally, I only met so far very kind Westerners (I’m Hungarian), especially the English were great dudes.

  3. Ask Dr. Dingo

    Its everywhere…..!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I live in India. I travel a lot abroad. I have seen people who are a dirt in my own country yet they behave as the most civilzed people one can find on the earth when they visit aboad, especially in Japan. And I know the reality…and I laugh at them for their double personalities.

    Actually we human beings are so mean and we try to adjust according to situation. When a powerful person finds himself in company of people comparatively lower to him…he switches to superiority mode and when he finds himself in the company of superior persons than him…he switches to the inferiority mode…and even fleds from the place like a coward. Sigmund Freud has described three kinds of personalities in his papers…ID, Superior & Inferior so its basically the communication between different personalities and the powerful tries to take overthe inferiors.

    Further the world is a mix of different paradigms without which it would be very difficult to survive…otherwise a ‘lower’ category will never bother to supersede a ‘superior’ than him. There will be unbalance in the world and the societies.

    That’s it….so ignore these ‘people’…

    uuuffff………I don’t know what I am talking….God forgive me!

  4. Robodemocrat

    Did you think before you wrote this?

    There are good and bad people in every society. For some reason your area must be attracting a disproportionate number of idiots for a reason.

    I just learned today when I asked a question about lazy eastern europeans that it was really my fault! It turns out that I was contacted by an agency in Bratislava that places indigent workers in US jobs. I had wrongly cast all Slovakians as lazy but in reality when some Czech person emailed me they informed me that the particular agency I was using was the problem and if I switched to another I would get a different slice of Slovakian workers that were top notch.

    Since there is good and bad in every society you must figure out what is wrong with your city to attract such awful people. No one should ever deface anything that isn’t theirs, especially as a welcomed visitor.

    Maybe you are just getting the ones looking for hookers and they are a low-life scum. Try getting rid of prostitutes (and I would guess you have a bad drug problem like my city, Detroit) and then you won’t attract the kind of people you describe.

  5. Kiki

    Those remarks do not apply to me at all! I have invested in an “Eastern” European country to show respect and bring some western pleasure to these people. I don’t think they realize the enormous sacrifices I have made for them but I do feel their gratitude. One argument…the history and culture is not older & richer than America’s. I think a people who would allow a government to change their culture should feel some shame. Americans will always stand proud regarding freedom to be.


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