Where in the Czech state of Moravia can I buy a Moravian Star?

Question by : Where in the Czech state of Moravia can I buy a Moravian Star?
Moravia is the eastern part of the Czech Republic.
Moravian stars are the multi-pointed stars you see at christmastime.
I live about 5 hours driving from Moravia and thought it would be cool to get a Moravian star there.
Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by moravianhawk
As a Moravian native with ancestry tied to the time medieval kingdom of Bohemia, the Moravian Star is unknown to Moravia and has very little to do with the present population of the Moravia. Its origin lies with a German community that lived in Moravia until 1945 and has absolutely no relationship with the Slavic population there. So Moravians of today Moravia from Znojmo to Ostrava have no association with the star and you will not be able to get it there.

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