Question by maddog_tannon: What do Eastern European people think of Islam or Black people?
For a stag party for a friend we wanted to try something that’s cheap and exciting and somewhere we’ve never been before.
Someone suggested Eastern Europe because its relatively cheap and the women are more gorgeous etc….
But in our group couple one guy is black and 2 are Asians including one Islamic and an Indian guy. We are planning this week to go Czech Republic, and then onto Poland, Gdansk.
Now i know Poland etc they dont have many dark skinned or Islamic people, do you think we might face any danger if we took them along with us?
I mean one of our friend said that in the Czech republic and Poland etc the places are crawling with skin head Neo-Nazis and racists and the police do very little to stop racism.
So do you think they will be safe? Do you think the Polish girls might like them? or would they have any problems checking into hotel rooms, restaurants or night clubs?
Im not so worried about the black guy because hes like 6ft’5 and is a keen student of Jujitsu but the Asians seem pretty meek and not so streetwise.
So what could we expect if we took them with us. Because here in the UK we dont get no problem with them, but in somewhere like Eastern Europe who knows? Because these dudes are our friends and if someone hassled them for their skin colour the rest of us would step in. But at the same time we want to be safe and not get into any trouble along the way.
Because these Asians and black guys if you look past skin colour are one of the most soundest friend that you can make and i would trust them with my life.
Does anyone have any experience about black people in them country’s?
Best answer:
Answer by somebody cool
I don’t have anything against anyone no matter the race. But, I have something against people who doesn’t integrate in society, and cause problems, and other people have to suffer for their actions like gypsie minority in my country (I’m from Romania)
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