What are the differences between german shepherd lines, ie DDR, West German and Czech?

Question by paintpony26: What are the differences between german shepherd lines, ie DDR, West German and Czech?
I am getting a GSD pup this fall. I’ve opted for a DDR line, as I like the look of these the best. I’m working with a breeder. I’d like some opinions and information from other knowledgable owners, breeders and trainers of GSDs on the different types, such as Czech, DDR and West German. What are the qualities of each? I’m looking for a dog to be primarily a companion, with some agility and possibly therapy work down the road. I have plenty of time and space for it, it will be our only dog. I have a lot of dog experience, but this will be my first shepherd. I am not interested at all American lines.

Best answer:

Answer by Goldengal
2 of us here have stared this question to bring it to the right peoples attention. I hope you get your answer. I do not know much about the Shepherds so I can’t answer your questions. Hope the right people see this to give you the answer your looking for. Good luck!

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4 thoughts on “What are the differences between german shepherd lines, ie DDR, West German and Czech?

  1. ainawgsd

    I can’t say that I’m exactly knowledgable or experienced, but I have done some research into the different types/lines of GSDs. I agree with you on the looks of the Czech/DDR lines and if I were to get a puppy from a breeder this would be the type I would be looking for. Czech and DDR lines are very similar, there really isn’t a significant difference between the two that I’ve been able to find. These lines tend to have a lot of drive and often need a very active family if not a working home. They also need an owner who will be firm, fair, and consistent. Working with a breeder who knows what your goals are is your best bet for finding a dog from these lines that will work out with your family. West German lines have sort of split into working and show lines, with working lines having more drive than the show lines. German show lines do not usually show as much exaggeration as American lines and may be more likely to have a temperament well-suited to pet/family life. West German lines tend to be larger and have more substance than East German (Czech/DDR) lines. They also are more likely to have rich deep reds while East German lines are more likely to have nice dark sables.

    Regardless of which type you ultimately go with, it is important to work closely with a breeder who not only knows their dogs but is also aware of your goals and aspirations for your dog. Look for a breeder who does the activities you are interested in with their dogs or who has had puppies from their litters who have been successful in the activities you are interested in. This is of course in addition to health and temperament testing.

  2. greekman

    As someone else has correctly pointed out, there are some differences between the American show lines, the DDR dogs and the Czech dogs. Most Czech dogs came from the old DDR bloodlines. The former communist Czech Republic imported the DDR dogs into their country to use as Border Patrol dogs. The world famous PSZ kennel was founded on those bloodlines and Mr Novotni served as a the head of the breeding dept there for over 20 years. The DDR/Czech dogs tend to be heavier boned and more muscular then their German counterparts and they are predominantly sable in color. I want to commend you for doing the work and choosing a dog of that caliber.

  3. julie's_GSD_kirby

    you know something? I have read so many questions about GSD’s in the past and even answered a few if I could. I have to say that your question is one of the the very few that shows that you are willing to do the research to find the right GSD for you! for that I commend you!!
    I wish I could correctly answer your question but alas, all I know about is west german and I don’t know the differences between the lines. but I am sure there are some very knowledgeable people that will be able to, if you can’t get the question answered here you might want to look into yahoo groups. they usually have a lot of breeders and handlers on there that would be more than willing to help you out… I wish you the best in your quest to find the GSD of your dreams!

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