Learn Czech Quick and Easy

Learn Czech Quick and Easy

It has always been exotic to know a Czech in person. That is pronounced with a “ch” in English and “Ich” in German by the way. However, it is even more exotic to know the Czech language when spelling the word has become too mind-boggling.

What are some things that might push anyone to study the language? Perhaps the only thing that you know about the language is that it is the mother tongue in the Czech Republic. For those who are not familiar with it. It is one of the Balko-Slavic languages that are commonly spoken in Eastern Europe. It is said that there are about 10 million speakers of the Czech language and another language that has close resemblance to it is the Slovak. These two languages are highly understandable with each other. It has what is known as the language diasystem in which both the spoken and written languages are intelligible. The language is also closely related to Polish and Sorbian. However, the large cities in the area use the dialect of Prague.

It is also believed that the language started being used in the 8th century as before that it was looked down as the language of the peasants. That was it had its original name Bohemian. It was not during the 14th century when person named John Huss pulled everything together and gave justice to the language that it started holding its status same as today. Because of that, John Huss garnered the status of being a national hero.

The language also has some contribution to the English language. Some of the words that have Czech origins are pram, robot, pistol and howitzer. There are also several words in English that are currently used as part of the language; however, they go with different definitions. An example of these is the word pit, which means to drink in Czech.

Given the rich history of the language itself, you would think that the Czech language has survived centuries of changes and alterations, same as the culture of the place where it revolves. If you are going to check its geography, the country is surrounded by high and mighty countries Poland, Germany, Austria and the Slovak Republic. That the language survived through the years despite the strong influences of its neighboring countries is a testament of its resilience and stability.

The Czech Republic is one of the few nations that have become a member of the European Union and NATO. Knowing all these valuable information about the language would truly intrigue any linguist or even a mere European languages enthusiast. All the more if you are aiming for a Czech lifetime partner. If you are one of these people, you are lucky that there’s Pimsleur Czech language learning audio program. This allows you to listen to Czech language lessons on your iPod anytime you want whether you are jogging or waiting in turtle slow traffic.

For those who thirst for the real thing, here is the complete list of all your Czech language learning audio courses: Czech language learning When you happen to have a particular language course in mind, try searching for it here: pimsleur language learning