Why are so many gummy candies made in the Czech Republic?

Question by Penrod Barker: Why are so many gummy candies made in the Czech Republic?
I have three different bags of gummy bear type candies, all different brands, all made in the Czech Republic, and by far my favorite gummies.
Does anybody really know? I’m guessing they are rich in gelatin over there, but I want to know why?

Best answer:

Answer by Veronika
Guess because they are quite favorite here :o)

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One thought on “Why are so many gummy candies made in the Czech Republic?

  1. Jim

    Didn’t you know it? They outsourced the jobs to the Czech Republic because they make less money there than we do here in the US. So the CEO’s shut down the gummie bear factories here and threw a few thousand people out of work and sent it there, where they can hire cheap labor.

    Now you know the real story behind the gummie bear business.

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