Any ideas for decorating a Czech project?

Question by Maddox : Ideas for decorating a Czech project I have this world fair project what to do in Social Studies, and I have decorations that my country is suitable for my stall to have. I need something to make that would work for the country Czech Republic. Nothing expensive pleasure. Best answer:

Reply by Aneta Balounová Just
there give some buttons are working like we called for freedom in ’89, some sugar as a Czech invention, create one (or more) flag, some bottles Budweiser, Pilzner Urquel (or what is known as) ( jpg), a piece pee line like Semtex, or some pictures of robots or simply sign up robot (as Josef Čapek sugested to use in RUR) and some numbers like 1918, 1938, 1948, 1968, 1989 – we call them aptly “osudove osmičky “- fateful eight no picture of Vaclav Havel (or Jarda Jagr – how about a hockey stick) fitting would zijn.En email. g. Vltava ( 28M% C3% 29% A1_vlast) can sound and you can greet everyone with Ahoj classmetes and Dobry den to teachers 😉 For speaking I recommend to www. use for another inspiration:

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