what were those Czech dudes in Saving Private Ryan saying?

Question by luke: what were those Czech dudes in Saving Private Ryan saying?
About 24 and a half minutes into the film Saving Private Ryan, there are two Axis infantrymen who are speaking Czech, Russian or some other Slavic language (all I know for sure is that it’s not German, but a friend of mine tells me it’s Czech). They attempt to surrender, and a couple of Allied soldiers pretend not to understand what they want and shoot them anyway. I feel this is a translation crucial to the significance of this shot. Does anybody know exactly what these two men were trying to say?

Best answer:

Answer by bustedsanta
He’s saying:
“Nestřílejte. Já jsem nikoho nezabil. Já jsem Čech.”, which translates to: “Don’t shoot. I haven’t killed anyone. I’m Czech. ”

go to 6:02

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One thought on “what were those Czech dudes in Saving Private Ryan saying?

  1. J F

    The hippy with the darfur tag nailed it. I always thought it was “Don’t shoot were Poles” I read that alot of the “germans” defending positions were actually men they had drafted from countries they invaded. I heard a rumor that even some Chinese were taken prisoner on one of the Normandy beaches. I also know for a fact that just like in the movie they basically shot all the surrendering Germans they could before more officers landed on the beach. My grandfather’s brother was at Utah beach. So how it is crucial is they basically were saying were not Germans and don’t shoot but you can see how that worked out for them!

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