What clothes would be appropriate to the Czech Republic?

Question by : What clothes would be appropriate to the Czech Republic I’m going to visit my friend this summer in the Czech Republic for a month, but I’ve never been ! He is not really helpful in telling me what would be appropriate to wear, what the weather will be, and what else I should bring. I really want to make a good impression in front of his parents, because they do not speak English! Please help me figure it out before I put the wrong things! Also, I’m 19. Thanks everyone in advance! Best answer:

Reply by Lilli
Weather and climate in TsjechiëDe Czech climate is mixed. Continental influences are characterized by large fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, while moderating oceanic influences diminish from west to east. In general, temperature decreases with increasing altitude, but are relatively uniform across the country at lower altitudes. The average annual temperature in Cheb in the extreme west is 45 ° F (7 ° C) and increases to only 48 ° F (9 ° C) in Brno in southern Moravia. High temperatures can reach 91 º F (33 º C) in Prague in July, and low temperatures to 1 º F (-17 º C) in Cheb fall in February. The growing season is about 200 days in the south, but less than half of that in the bergen.De annual rainfall varies from 18 inches (450 mm) in the central Bohemian basins to more than 60 cm on windward slopes of the Giant Mountains the north. Maximum precipitation falls in July, while the minimum occurs in February. There are no recognizable climatic zones, but a succession of small and diverse neighborhoods; climate thus follows the topography contribute to the diversity of the natural environment.The weather is best from May to September, when the days are warm and the nights are cool ( Take a sweater). Spring is preferable to avoid the summer crowds, but the summer is preferred to spring for avoiding rain (take an umbrella). October, usually a bit cold and wet, is an excellent time to go if you are primarily interested in museums, activities or just driving around. Winters are very cold, wet, snowy, foggy and often (because of the country dependence on coal for heat) polluted.

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